카파이 파사 무에타이 캠프
This camp is situated in the village from Taso to 2 km of Baan Prasat in the region of Surin, in the Northeast of the Thailand. The Kafai Fasaï (Coffee of the Blue Sky) is a tiny camp at the bottom of a wood. His infrastructure is so archaic that the camp seems abandoned. The boxing ring, in full air, is pathetic state and punch bags are all half torn…
Kafai Fasaï was to create by Petdam Sakumuang, a former professional boxer who made his career in the camp Sit Palungnum to Buriram. Petdam made 90 fights of which 28 in the stadium of Lumpinee, he beat good boxers as Nongrarum, Singdam and Kaona!
Petdam opened his camp in 2010 and named “Kafai Fasaï” in reference to his itinerant salesman’s small shop of coffee (Coffee in Thai says Kafai). His coffee, hot or iced, is considered as being one of the best of the district!
Petdam takes care more of his boxers by passion than to earn money. And in spite of conditions of dreadful trainings, the boxers of his camp bring good results since the opening of the camp…
The most experimented by the fighters is Fakamlang Kafai Fasaï who in 17 years has already made 150 fights with 110 victories. He fights in the category 118 lbs, often in the stadiums of Isaan but he also fought in Pattay and Bangkok!
Two other boxers, the strongest of the camp, are Fasuchon Kafai Fasaï and Lungton Kafai Fasaï. Fasuchon is 13 years old and fights in 100 lbs, he gained 50 victories on his 80 fights!
When to Lungton, down from his 14 years, this small boxer of 30 kg, has already 110 fights to his credit with 90 victories!
Only two boxers, on seven that counts the camp, sleep on the spot, the others go back home after the training…
These nakmuays youngs are real professional boxers, most of them don’t go any more to the school, they train every day to try to make their living thanks to the boxing. At dawn, they begin their daily jogging of 8 km, in the afternoon they shall make again a jogging but of 10 km, under a hot heat. From 7 am till 9:30 am, they train hard, then rest till 11 am when they lunch sets…
The trainer Petdam, during this time there makes his daily tour, he sells his drinks almost everywhere in the village…
At 4 pm, the boxers take back the training which is going to end at about 6:30 pm. These youngs nakmuay make every day, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, four rounds of five minutes for paos and 30 minutes of clinch. Their only rest day is Sunday…
Just a foreigner, an English boxer, came to train for Kafai Fasaï. ” It was a big black, a giant, he stayed only one day, he didn’t support the mosquitoes which pricked him when he trained ” confides me by laughing the owner of the place…
It’s true that mosquitoes teem in the camp but the boxers of the Kafai Fasaï don’t pay it any more attention, they train by thinking only of their next fight.
It’s in this kind of small camp in very rough condition that the Thai fighters build up to themselves a mental of steel, a determination to win on the boxing ring which distinguishes them from other nakmuay in the world…
✔ 최강의 낙무아이가 되기 위한 수련자들의 첫번째 관문은 체육관 선택!! ✔
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▶??무에타이는 #무에타이 전문도장에서~
배우는 것이 가장 잘 배울 수 있는 방법중에 하나이며 운동을 잘 하기 위한 첫번째 조건입니다.
✔ ??무에타이 ??제왕회관™ 수련생 모집 ✔
▶모집대상 ; 취미, 다이어트, 선수부, 지도자부, 주말부 모집
▶도장오픈 : 평일 ㏘4시~㏘10시
▶방문상담 : 평일 ㏘5시~㏘6시
▶상담예약 : ☎HP.010-5405-7731
▶도장위치 : 대전 보건대4거리-한국폴리텍대학 입구
✔ Foreigners are welcome ✔
▶EMPEROR muaythai GYM!! ☎TEL.042-635-7730 ☎HP.010-5405-7731
▶ADDRESS : B1F, hyeseong BUILDING, 350, Uam-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea??
✔ 제왕회관™ 소개 ✔
??제왕회관™은 ??태국전통무술인 "무에타이"를 보급하기 위해 1992년 대전에서 최민규관장에 의해 설립되어 최고의 파이터 육성, 인의예지신(仁義禮智信/benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and sincerity)을 실천하는 생활무술인 양성을 목표로 최선의 노력을 다하고 있는 무에타이 전문도장으로서 공식명칭은 한글로는 "제왕회관", 영문으로는 EMPEROR GYM 또는 EMPEROR muaythai GYM, 한자나 일어로는 帝王會館이라 하며 공식지부도장은 명칭 뒤에 지부이름을 붙여 표기하고 있습니다.
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무에타이, 제왕회관, 킥복싱, 다이어트, 격투기, 트레이닝, 복싱, 대전가양동무에타이, 무에타이짐, 무에타이짱, 최민규, 타이복싱, 태국무술, 태국, 대전다이어트, 대전킥복싱, 대전격투기, 실전무술, 엠퍼러, 엠퍼러무에타이, 무에타이엠퍼러짐, 무에타이킥복싱, 무에타이기술, 무에타이도장, 무에타이체육관, 킥복싱기술, 킥복싱다이어트, 킥복싱체육관, 다이어트운동, 호신술, 무에타이단증, emperor, mperorgym, emperormuaythaigym, thaiboxing, muaythai, kickboxing, kickboxer, fight, fighting, muaythaifight, fighter, padwork, thaiboxen, kickboxen, kickboxing, team, training, workout, technik, mixed Martial Arts, emperormuaythai, emperorkickboxing, emperormma, Kick, MMA, boxen, boxing, 대전무에타이,
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