Keatkhamtorn Gym 키트캄톤 무에타이짐
Keatkhamtorn Gym is the training home to a handful of elite Thai fighters including Nopparat Keatkhamtorn (2 lumpinee champion & Thailand champion), Detsuriya Sittiprasert, Khongpanlek Sakaomnoi, Laemthong Thor Ponchai and Yuthagan Keatkhamtorn (lumpinee & Thailand champion). Like a lot of the Bangkok based gyms, Keatkhamtorn is a serious gym with a reputation for producing top fighters.
Keatkhamtorn is located approximately 20 minutes from the international airport in a residential neighborhood. Here is a map to the gym.
The gym offers an all inclusive training, accommodation & food package (view the website link below for details).
If you plan on staying for a long time and are looking to save money, you can walk around the area and find accommodation outside the gym as there are a few good, affordable options within walking distance.
Training Info & Photos
Keatkhamtorn is known to have an intense training regimen. They train for 6-7 hours per day here (morning session runs from 6:00am †9:30am and the afternoon session runs from 3:00pm †6:30pm).
Between the two sessions, they will run up to 14km per day (of course if you’re not fit enough, you can run shorter distances).
This gym is known for focusing a lot of time on clinching so if that’s an aspect you want to improve upon, Keatkhamtorn is worth looking into.
🇰🇷제왕회관™ 🇹🇭무에타이 수련생 모집
▶모집대상 : 취미부, 선수부
▶모집인원 : 각부별 정원(10명)제 실시로 결원시 보충
▶도장오픈 : 월~금요일 ㏘2:00~㏘11:00
▶방문상담 : 월~금요일 ㏘5시~㏘6시
▶도장전화 : HP.010-5405-7731(문자로 방문 날자 예약)
▶도장위치 : 대전가양동 보건대4거리 한국폴리텍대학 입구 GS편의점 지하
▶네비주소 : 대전광역시 동구 가양동91-4
✔ Foreigners are welcome ✔
▶EMPEROR GYM!! TEL.042-635-7730 HP.010-5405-7731
▶ADDRESS : B1F, hyeseong BUILDING, 350, Uam-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of KOREA
✔ 제왕회관 관련 SNS ✔
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▶제왕회관 공식페이스북
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